實驗室名稱 :
實驗室成員 :
- 風險評估
- 文字分析
- 資料探勘
- 法規匯整
- Wang, H. C., Syu, S. W., & Wongchaisuwat, P. "A method of music autotagging based on audio and lyrics." Multimedia Tools and Applications 80.10 (2021): 15511-15539.
- Chen, C. C., & Wang, H. C. "Adapting the influences of publishers to perform news event detection." Journal of Information Science (2021): 01655515211047422.
- Wang, H. C., Hsiao, W. C., & Chang, S. H. "Automatic paper writing based on a RNN and the TextRank algorithm." Applied Soft Computing 97 (2020): 106767.
- Chen, C. C., & Wang, H. C. "Using community information for natural disaster alerts." Journal of Information Science (2020): 0165551520979870.
- Wang, H. C., Chiang, Y. H., & Lin, S. T. "Spam detection and high-quality features to analyse question–answer pairs." The Electronic Library (2020).
- Wong, T. T. "Linear approximation of F-measure for the performance evaluation of classification algorithms on imbalanced data sets." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2020).
- Wong, T. T., & Yeh, S. J. "Weighted random forests for evaluating financial credit risk." Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation 13 (2019): 1.
- Wong, T. T., & Yang, N. Y. "Latent Dirichlet allocation naïve Bayes." Journal of Information Management, Vol. 25, No. 1, 65-87, 2018.
- Wong, T. T. "Parametric methods for comparing the performance of two classification algorithms evaluated by k-fold cross validation on multiple data sets." Pattern Recognition 65 (2017): 97-107.
- Wong, T. T., & Yang, N. Y. "Dependency analysis of accuracy estimates in k-fold cross validation." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 29.11 (2017): 2417-2427.
- Wong, T. T., & Liu, C. R. "An efficient parameter estimation method for generalized Dirichlet priors in naïve Bayesian classifiers with multinomial models." Pattern Recognition 60 (2016): 62-71.
- 張嘉蓉、吳思蓉。台灣股東會電子投票制度與公司價值之關聯。中華會計教育學會年會、2021。
- Wu, S. J., & Liu, W. P. "The Impact of FinTech Rating on Cost of Debt Capitals." NCKU Accounting and Fintech Research Forum, 2020.
- Wu, S. J., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "The Association Between Financial Technology and Cost of Debt Capital." International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech Supervision and Law Compliance, 2020.
- Wu, S. J., & Liu, C. C. "Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis and Capital Adequacy on Banks Mortgage Lending Behavior." Japan Accounting Association, 2020.
- Kuo, Y. F., Hou, J. R., & Hsieh, Y. H. "The advertising communication effectiveness of using netizen language code-switching in Facebook ads." Internet Research (2021).
- Hou, J. R., & Li, Y. H. "Investigating the key service factors of adopting Robo-Advisor." International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech, RegTech and Green Finance, 2021.