實驗室名稱 :
實驗室成員 :
- Huang, Y. S., Yang, M. S., & Ho, J. W. "Bundling Decisions for Selling Multiple Items in Online Auctions." Decision Analysis 19.1 (2022): 44-62.
- Huang, Y. S., Ho, J. W., Jian, H. J., & Tseng, T. L. B. "Quantity discount coordination for supply chains with deteriorating inventory." Computers & Industrial Engineering 152 (2021): 106987.
- Huang, Y. S., Lo, H. W., & Ho, J. W. "Effects of component commonality and perishability on inventory control in assemble-to-order systems." Operational Research 21.1 (2021): 205-229.
- Ho, J. W., Huang, Y. S., & Fu, C. T. "Dispatching problems for parallel machines in the TFT‐LCD assembly process." International Transactions in Operational Research 28.5 (2021): 2715-2732.
- Huang, Y. S., Fang, C. C., Lin, P. C., & Liao, Y. C. "Bundling and pricing decisions for bricks-and-clicks firms with consideration of network externality." Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization 17.5 (2021): 2527.
- Huang, Y. S., Ho, J. W., Hung, J. W., & Tseng, T. L. B. "A customized warranty model by considering multi-usage levels for the leasing industry." Reliability Engineering & System Safety 215 (2021): 107769.
- Huang, Y. S., Wu, T. Y., Fang, C. C., & Tseng, T. L. "Decisions on probabilistic selling for consumers with different risk attitudes." Decision Analysis 18.2 (2021): 121-138.
- Huang, Y. S., Ho, J. W., Jian, H. J., & Tseng, T. L. B. "Quantity discount coordination for supply chains with deteriorating inventory." Computers & Industrial Engineering 152 (2021): 106987.
- Huang, Y. S., Fang, C. C., & Lin, Y. A. "Inventory management in supply chains with consideration of Logistics, green investment and different carbon emissions policies." Computers & Industrial Engineering 139 (2020): 106207.
- Tsai, Y. C., & Huang, H. W. "Internal control material weakness opinions and the market’s reaction to securities fraud litigation announcements." Finance Research Letters 41 (2021): 101833.
- Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "Internal control opinion shopping and initial audit fee discounting: Evidence from U.S. domestic and cross-listed foreign firms." The Eighth International Conference of the Journal of the International Accounting Research, 2021.
- Yu, C. C., Wu, T. Z., & Huang, H. W. "Audit office’s unused capacity and audit quality." 22nd Asia Pacific Management Conference, 2021.
- Chen, Y. J., Feng, Z. Y., Li, Y. P., & Huang, H. W. "The economic consequences of US FDA new drug approvals: evidence from Taiwan pharmaceutical and biotech companies." Innovation 23.3 (2021): 354-374.
- Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "Auditor realignment, voluntary SOX 404 adoption, and internal control material weakness remediation: Further evidence from US-listed foreign firms." International Business Review 29.5 (2020): 101712.
- Tsai, Y. L., & Huang, H. W. "Does Convergent-IFRS Adoption in China Increase Audit Fees?." Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 23.01 (2020): 2050006.
- Liang, S. H., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "Firm-Value Effects of Financial Technology Reputation." International conference on advanced technology innovation, 2020.
- Liu, W. P., Shih, K. H., & Huang, H. W. "Can FinTech Reduce Reporting Lags?" International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech Supervision and Law Compliance, 2020.
- Liang, S. H., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "The Association between the FinTech Rating and Firm Value." International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech Supervision and Law Compliance, 2020.
- Wu, S. J., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "The Association Between Financial Technology and Cost of Debt Capital." International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech Supervision and Law Compliance, 2020.
- Liang, S. H., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "FinTech Rating and Firm Value." Fintech Research Forum, 2020.
- Lin, C. C., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "The Relation between Corporate Governance Evaluation and Financial Performance and Firm Value: Evidence from Corporate Governance Evaluation of Taiwan Listed Firms." International Journal of Commerce and Strategy 10.1 (2018): 23-46.
- Liu, W. P., & Shih, K. H. "Can FinTech Reduce Audit Reporting Lag?" Fintech Research Forum, 2020.
- Shang, L., Little, D. R., Webb, M. E., Eidels, A., & Yang, C. T. "The workload capacity of semantic search in convergent thinking." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2021).
- Garrett, P. M., Wang, Y., White, J. P., Hsieh, S., Strong, C., Lee, Y. C., ... & Yang, C. T. "Young adults view smartphone tracking technologies for COVID-19 as acceptable: the case of Taiwan." International journal of environmental research and public health 18.3 (2021): 1332.
- Shang, L., Little, D. R., Webb, M. E., Eidels, A., & Yang, C. T. "The workload capacity of semantic search in convergent thinking." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2021).
- Wang, C. H., Lin, C. C., Moreau, D., Yang, C. T., & Liang, W. K. "Neural correlates of cognitive processing capacity in elite soccer players." Biological Psychology 157 (2020): 107971
- Hsieh, C. J., Fifić, M., & Yang, C. T. "A new measure of group decision-making efficiency." Cognitive research: principles and implications 5.1 (2020): 1-23.
- Yao, Z. F., Sligte, I. G., Moreau, D., Hsieh, S., Yang, C. T., Ridderinkhof, K. R., ... & Wang, C. H. "The brains of elite soccer players are subject to experience-dependent alterations in white matter connectivity." Cortex 132 (2020): 79-91.
- Hsieh, S., Yao, Z. F., Yang, M. H., Yang, C. T., & Wang, C. H. "Diffusion tensor imaging revealing the relation of age-related differences in the corpus callosum with cognitive style." Frontiers in human neuroscience (2020): 285.
- Lin, C. C., Liang, C. W., Juang, M. Y., Yang, C. T., & Wang, C. H. "An investigation of information processing efficiency in elite athletes via workload capacity." Chinese Journal of Psychology (2020): 265-284.
- Yang, C. T., Cousineau, D., & Pster, R. "The editorial on the special issue ‘Are sequential sampling models the future gold standard of cognitive psychology?’." Psychology 16 (2020): 91-106.
- Zhu, P. F., Hsieh, C. J., & Yang, C. T. "Task context affects the group decision efficiency." the 61th Annual Meeting, Virtual Psychonomics, 2020.
- Fu, H. L., Fang, P. H., Chi, C. Y., Kuo, C. T., Liu, M. H., Hsu, H. M., ... & Yang, C. T. "Application of brain-computer interface and virtual reality in advancing cultural experience." 2020 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP). IEEE, 2020.
- Yang, C. T., Dennis, S., & Wang, Y. W. "Establishing the social license for mobile tracking technologies for COVID-19." the 59th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association (TPA). 2020.
- Fu, H. L., Kao, S. C., Yang, C. T., & Wang, C. H. "Aerobic fitness level modulates workload capacity for faster decisions in young adults." the 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). 2020.
- Fu, H. L., Kao, S. C., Yang, C. T., & Wang, C. H. "Aerobic fitness level modulates workload capacity for faster decisions in young adults." the 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). 2020.