實驗室名稱 :
實驗室成員 :
- 智能理財系統導入與客製化
- 共同基金推薦與評等
- 跨資產類別ETF smart beta 策略研究與產學合作
- 股票量化策略與資訊系統
- Yen, M. F., Huang, Y. P., Yu, L. C., & Chen, Y. L. "A two-dimensional sentiment analysis of online public opinion and future financial performance of publicly listed companies." Computational Economics (2021): 1-22.
- Liu, W. P., Yen, M. F., & Wu, T. Y. "Mining of Key Audit Matters in Audit Reports: A Deep Learning-Based Natural Language Processing Approach." 1st International Conference of the Journal of Information Systems, 2021.
- Yen, M. F., Hsu, Y. L., & Huang, Y. S. "A Study of How the Textual Attributes of 10-K Filings are Associated with the Big-Five Personality Traits of CEOs." International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech, RegTech and Green Finance, 2021.
- 顏盟峯、張文譯。投資者情緒與舉債決策、債務期限之關係。2021中華會計教育學會年會、2021。
- 林嘉慧、王政翰、顏盟峯。異常報酬、公司治理與私募股權折價之關係。台大會計與審計論叢、2020。
- Yen, M. F., Zheng, J. R., & Hsu, Y. L. "Applying Deep Learning Techniques to Study Corporate Social Responsibility Reports and Firm Performance." The ninth conference of Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2020.
- Tsai, Y. C., & Huang, H. W. "Internal control material weakness opinions and the market’s reaction to securities fraud litigation announcements." Finance Research Letters 41 (2021): 101833.
- Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "Internal control opinion shopping and initial audit fee discounting: Evidence from U.S. domestic and cross-listed foreign firms." The Eighth International Conference of the Journal of the International Accounting Research, 2021.
- Yu, C. C., Wu, T. Z., & Huang, H. W. "Audit office’s unused capacity and audit quality." 22nd Asia Pacific Management Conference, 2021.
- Chen, Y. J., Feng, Z. Y., Li, Y. P., & Huang, H. W. "The economic consequences of US FDA new drug approvals: evidence from Taiwan pharmaceutical and biotech companies." Innovation 23.3 (2021): 354-374.
- Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "Auditor realignment, voluntary SOX 404 adoption, and internal control material weakness remediation: Further evidence from US-listed foreign firms." International Business Review 29.5 (2020): 101712.
- Tsai, Y. L., & Huang, H. W. "Does Convergent-IFRS Adoption in China Increase Audit Fees?." Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 23.01 (2020): 2050006.
- Liang, S. H., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "Firm-Value Effects of Financial Technology Reputation." International conference on advanced technology innovation, 2020.
- Liu, W. P., Shih, K. H., & Huang, H. W. "Can FinTech Reduce Reporting Lags?" International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech Supervision and Law Compliance, 2020.
- Liang, S. H., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "The Association between the FinTech Rating and Firm Value." International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech Supervision and Law Compliance, 2020.
- Wu, S. J., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "The Association Between Financial Technology and Cost of Debt Capital." International Trends and Prospects Forum of FinTech Supervision and Law Compliance, 2020.
- Liang, S. H., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "FinTech Rating and Firm Value." Fintech Research Forum, 2020.
- Lin, C. C., Liu, W. P., & Huang, H. W. "The Relation between Corporate Governance Evaluation and Financial Performance and Firm Value: Evidence from Corporate Governance Evaluation of Taiwan Listed Firms." International Journal of Commerce and Strategy 10.1 (2018): 23-46.
- Lin, S., Liu, W. P., & Ma, M. "Mispricing of Other Comprehensive Income: Does the location of reporting OCI matter?" European Accounting Association Annual Congress, 2021.
- Wu, S. B., & Liu, W. P. "Who selects the wrong person? Evidence of Chief Accounting Officer unqualification from Taiwan." The Eighth International Conference of the Journal of the International Accounting Research, 2021.
- Liang, S. H., & Liu, W. P. "The Association between FinTech Rating and Firm Value." 29TH Annual Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management Conference, 2021.
- Wu, S. J., & Liu, W. P.. "The Impact of FinTech Rating on Cost of Debt Capitals." NCKU Accounting and Fintech Research Forum, 2020.
- Liu, W. P., & Shih, K. H. "Can FinTech Reduce Audit Reporting Lag?" Fintech Research Forum, 2020.
- 遠東商業銀行
- 聖喬科技股份有限公司